
Using the Vendored Argon2

python -m pip install argon2-cffi

should be all it takes.

But since argon2-cffi vendors Argon2’s C code by default, it can lead to complications depending on the platform.

The C code is known to compile and work on all common platforms (including x86, ARM, and PPC). On x86, an SSE2-optimized version is used.

If something goes wrong, please try to update your cffi, pip and setuptools first:

python -m pip install -U cffi pip setuptools

Overall this should be the safest bet because argon2-cffi has been specifically tested against the vendored version.


Binary wheels for macOS, Windows, and Linux are provided on PyPI. With a recent-enough pip and setuptools, they should be used automatically.

Source Distribution

A working C compiler and CFFI environment are required. If you’ve been able to compile Python CFFI extensions before, argon2-cffi should install without any problems.

Using a System-wide Installation of Argon2

If you set ARGON2_CFFI_USE_SYSTEM to 1 (and only 1), argon2-cffi will not build its bindings. However binary wheels are preferred by pip and Argon2 gets installed along with argon2-cffi anyway.

Therefore you also have to instruct pip to use a source distribution:

  python -m pip install --no-binary=argon2-cffi argon2-cffi

This approach can lead to problems around your build chain and you can run into incompatabilities between Argon2 and argon2-cffi if the latter has been tested against a different version.

It is your own responsibility to deal with these risks if you choose this path.